Friday 30 March 2018

Game Preview - Castlevania (Gameboy)

Castlevania (GB)

Today I am looking at Castlevania on the Gameboy, this isn't a full review as I haven't gotten to play it a ton yet but more just a peek at it.  Since the Gameboy is region free I have the Japanese version of this game.  Since the game is in Japanese and my Japanese knowledge is pretty limited (took a class in University years ago) so story wise I’m not totally sure what’s going on so I did a bit of research.  This game isn't just a port of the version that is on the NES but it has a different story. The game takes place 15 years after the first Castlevania Gameboy game.  Dracula has returned and he has kidnapped Chris Belmont’s son named Soleiyu and turned him into a demon.  Dracula uses Soleiyu’s powers to retake a human form so he can rebuild his castle.  So once again Christopher must face Dracula, but this time to save his son.   

When you first start the game there are four initial levels.  Each level has a unique theme like earth, crystal, plant and air and takes place in a separate castle.  The cool thing is you can complete them in any order you like.  So if you get stuck on one of the large trap rooms you can try out another one. Which kind of remind me of a Mega Man game or something like Bucky O'Hare.
If you play the Japanese version you will notice that the axe will be replaced with a cross, instead of making the arching motion the cross moves in a horizontal motion almost like a boomerang when it comes back to you.  Which makes it very useful as it can go through walls to kill enemies, so you can take them out before they even notice you.
My only complaint is I wish Christopher would move a little faster, he seems to be going pretty slow at times especially when you are trying to make a bigger jump or avoid an enemy. Other than that it’s a really fun game!  It looks really good for a Game Boy game even with the limited screen space and the music has been done very well.  I haven’t completed the game yet, but if I discover anything else I will let you know.

I’ll have to try it out on the Super Game Boy tonight and see how it looks on there.  I’m guessing probably pretty good, so even if you don’t have a Game Boy you can always get the Super Gameboy, play it on a Game Boy Advance or the GBA adapter on the Game Cube will play it too :D

So make sure if you get a chance to pick up this game definitely do so!  Especially if you are a huge fan of the Castlevania series on the NES or SNES, especially since it's not just a port of an existing game. Don’t forget that the Japanese version is still playable on North American Gameboy's as they are region free.  I’m so glad Heidi from Retro Gaming Blog told me about this game, now I just have to get the other 2 Gameboy ones in the series J

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